Gifts of Stock Transfers Instrucrions

Shares of stock donation to Holy Korean Martyrs Catholic Church (HKMCC) is made through the Diocese of San Jose by either stock certificates or stock transfer from broker-to-broker.

A stock transfer sends shares from your account to the Portsmouth Financial Services, the broker for the Diocese of San Jose. Portsmouth, upon receiving the stock, sells the stock at its earliest opportunity. The financial firm then sends the proceeds to the Diocese of San Jose, who will then distribute the funds to HKMCC.

For stock transfers to the Diocese of San Jose

Your broker needs the following written information to make a broker-to-broker transfer.

  • Diocesan Broker: Portsmouth Financial Services
  • Account Manager: Walter J. Bankovitch
  • Broker Address: 625 Market Street Seventh Floor San Francisco, CA 94105
  • DTC #: 0443
  • Account Number at Portsmouth Financial Services: 6PH105792
  • Taxpayer ID #: 94-2734503
  • Portsmouth Financial Services Phone Number: (415) 543-8500

For fund distribution to HKMCC

Once the stocks are transferred to the Diocese of San Jose, please follow the below steps:

  1. Please write a letter to the Department of Financial Services saying that the money should go to HKMCC. Please refer to a sample letter.
  2. In the same letter, please identify yourself and give your mailing address so we can credit you appropriately.
  3. Identify your parish (i.e., HKMCC) in this letter.
  4. You must also identify the number of shares and the type of stock given (e.g., 100 shares of XYZ corporation).
  5. Mail one copy of the letter to the Diocese of San Jose at
           Department of Financial Services
           The Diocese of San Jose
           1150 North 1st Street, Suite 100
           San Jose, California 95112-4966
    Or fax it to
           (408) 983-0296
    Or email it to
           russell [at] dsj [dot] org
  6. Mail another copy of the letter to the HKMCC office at
           Holy Korean Martyrs Catholic Church
           1523 McLaughlin Ave.
           San Jose, CA 95122
  7. A letter of acknowledgment will come from HKMCC.

For further information about donations of stocks

Please contact Stephen Russell at (408) 983-0234 or russell [at] dsj [dot] org for further instructions.