[중고등부] 2008-2009학기 학급 소개 및 일정

찬미 예수님

  • 7학년
    • 교리교사: Jamie Pak , Peter Ko
    • To deepen the child's understanding of the Church
    • To help the child experience the Church as Christian community
  • 8학년
    • 교리교사: Agnes Lee, Clara Jin
    • To understand and recognize visible signs of God's grace
    • To respond to Christ's message with action
  • 9/10학년
    • 교리교사: Cindy Lee, Richard Kim
    • To learn about the history of the Church
    • To understand one's role in the Church's community
    • To recognize that all people are called to further the kingdom by living the Good News of the Gospel
  • 11/12학년
    • 교리교사: Linn Huang
    • To understand the celebration of mass in a new way.
    • To establish ownership of and leadership in the church.
  • Confirmation/Baptism
    • 교리교사: Peter Yoon

2008-2009년도 학사 일정

2009학년도 중고등부 일정
