최근 가톨릭 영문 뉴스

Obama could have been killed! Pierson steps down over lax security

가톨릭 Online 미국 뉴스 (영문) - Wed, 10/01/2014 - 22:23
The first female director of the Secret Service has resigned from her position after two separate incidents ...

As Ecuador plans to drill in the Amazon, natives know their time is up

가톨릭 Online 국제 뉴스 (영문) - Wed, 10/01/2014 - 10:51
Ecuador's Yasuni National Park is considered one of the world's most bio-diverse regions. This ...

Gang rape of 16-year-old girl highlights Kenya's attitudes towards sex crimes

가톨릭 Online 국제 뉴스 (영문) - Wed, 10/01/2014 - 10:36
The arrest of a second youth in a high-profile case in which a 16-year-old girl was gang raped and dumped in a ...

A political warning against high taxes: Northest losses 40% of its House seats

가톨릭 Online 미국 뉴스 (영문) - Wed, 10/01/2014 - 10:06
The Census Bureau has reported that the Northeast is losing power in the U.S. as many citizens leave the ...

Is Ebola here to stay? Second patient being monitored for Ebola in Dallas

가톨릭 Online 미국 뉴스 (영문) - Wed, 10/01/2014 - 09:39
A second person who had been in close contact with a person infected with Ebola is now being closely monitored ...

33 million crimes per year! Despite crackdown on crime, Mexicans still doubt ability of law enforcement

가톨릭 Online 국제 뉴스 (영문) - Wed, 10/01/2014 - 08:41
A new survey from the national statistics institute (INEGI) revealed that despite claims from the Mexican ...

How Can We Overcome Fear?

가톨릭 Online 미국 뉴스 (영문) - Wed, 10/01/2014 - 04:01
Unable to overcome fear by our own effort, we are often overcome by it. Though we may develop coping mechanisms ...

India sees epidemic of internet use as net addiction rises

가톨릭 Online 국제 뉴스 (영문) - Tue, 09/30/2014 - 21:00
A new survey out of India shows that a large portion of the population is addicted to internet access in one form ...

FELONIOUS FASHION STATEMENT: Sex trafficking gangs in Britain brand their victims with tattoos

가톨릭 Online 국제 뉴스 (영문) - Tue, 09/30/2014 - 14:36
According to Britain's National Crime Agency, human trafficking gangs are tattooing their victims to ...

Human trafficking in U.K. fueled by Internet advertising

가톨릭 Online 국제 뉴스 (영문) - Tue, 09/30/2014 - 14:07
The number of people locked in slavery in Britain rose by 22 percent last year, with online dating, social media ...

'Political correctness' could have cost lives in White House Security breach

가톨릭 Online 미국 뉴스 (영문) - Tue, 09/30/2014 - 12:08
"Political correctness" is a hot-button term that has come to mean irrelevance as applied to ...

Algerian government supports military intervention against Islamic State

가톨릭 Online 국제 뉴스 (영문) - Tue, 09/30/2014 - 11:19
The international military intervention against what is commonly known in the Arab world as DAESH or Islamic ...

There is no future for the Christians in Iraq, Anglican vicar warns

가톨릭 Online 국제 뉴스 (영문) - Tue, 09/30/2014 - 11:15
Terrorist fighters from the Islamic State are almost ready to enter the capital of Iraq, the vicar of St. ...

Netanyahu says threat of Hamas and ISIS reaches far beyond Israel

가톨릭 Online 국제 뉴스 (영문) - Tue, 09/30/2014 - 09:56
Speaking at the annual United Nations General Assembly in New York, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ...

Islamic State blasts Obama in powerful critique delivered by hostage John Cantile

가톨릭 Online 국제 뉴스 (영문) - Tue, 09/30/2014 - 09:55
The Islamic State has delivered a powerful critique of Obama's war speech, asking that if two Gulf Wars ...

Watch out Saudi Arabia! U.S. oil production expected to rapidly increase

가톨릭 Online 미국 뉴스 (영문) - Tue, 09/30/2014 - 09:18
The International Energy Agency says that U.S. production of petroleum is set to exceed that of Saudi ...

Deal W. Hudson: A Telling Vignette from a Chinese High School Classroom

가톨릭 Online 국제 뉴스 (영문) - Tue, 09/30/2014 - 02:46
Last night I returned from a trip to China where I visited eight of its elite high schools and talked with the ...

Latinos run from Obama en mass after president punts immigration reform

가톨릭 Online 미국 뉴스 (영문) - Mon, 09/29/2014 - 21:25
President Barack Obama has bowed to worried Senate Democrats, delaying executive actions on immigration until ...

As thousands of illegals enter U.S., who's stuck with the education bill?

가톨릭 Online 미국 뉴스 (영문) - Mon, 09/29/2014 - 20:56
The large numbers of unaccompanied minors who have been illegally crossing into the U.S. from Mexico in ever ...

Need milk? Eggs or flower? The Post Office may have you covered

가톨릭 Online 미국 뉴스 (영문) - Mon, 09/29/2014 - 08:27
The U.S. Postal Service has revealed a new plan to reverse its six-year streak of billion-dollar losses, which ...
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