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Catholic International News
Updated: 9 years 37 주전

MASSIVE FAILURE - Good money after bad in Obama opium strategy

Wed, 10/22/2014 - 12:36
Despite American and Coalition expenditures in Afghanistan, that country has produced a record crop of opium. The ...

HORRIFIC video shows Islamic State stoning Yazidi woman - by group of men, including HER father

Wed, 10/22/2014 - 12:03
A sickening video of a young woman being stoned to death by a group of men, which includes her own father, has ...

Yazidi woman 'I've been raped 30 times and it's not even lunchtime!'

Wed, 10/22/2014 - 10:11
A young Yazidi woman held captive by the Islamic State for repeated sexual abuse says that she was raped 30 ...

Six times as many people are executed in China as the rest of the world COMBINED

Wed, 10/22/2014 - 09:41
The Dui Hua Foundation, a San Francisco-based human rights group, said that China executed 2,400 prisoners last year.

BREAKING: Shots fired in Canadian capital, soldier killed by gunman at war memorial

Wed, 10/22/2014 - 09:20
There have been multiple gunmen and gunshots in Canada's capital of Ottawa, and at least one Canadian ...

New documentary reveals King Tut had a club foot and other startling discoveries

Wed, 10/22/2014 - 08:00
King Tutankhamun, or as he is more commonly know, "King Tut" was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh ...

Islamic State has infiltrated INSIDE of Turkey with attempt to kidnap Syrian leader

Tue, 10/21/2014 - 18:56
While Islamic State fighters batter the Syrian city of Kobani near the border with Turkey, ISIS agents are ...

Jack 'the acid' Ripper: Suspects arrested in connection with acid attacks against women in Iran

Tue, 10/21/2014 - 14:07
Iranian authorities have arrested a number of people suspected of throwing acid at women. Its' ...

Programs help young women in Kenya flee prostitution

Tue, 10/21/2014 - 13:26
The alcohol lining the 12-year-old Kenyan girl's stomach did nothing to quell her hunger pangs.

Algerian-Libyan border under lockdown due to deteriorating situation in Benghazi

Tue, 10/21/2014 - 11:48
The deteriorating situation in Libya - in particular in the eastern city of Benghazi, has the Algerian people ...

Fierce fighting rages in Benghazi amid political instability

Tue, 10/21/2014 - 11:17
Fierce fighting between troops loyal to the retired general, Khalifa Haftar and those loyal to Ansar Charia ...

Liberian bishop reminds world that the poor must not be forgotten during Ebola crisis

Tue, 10/21/2014 - 10:58
Bishop Anthony Fallah Borwah of Gbarnga in Liberia says that the world that "it is the poor who are the ...

Sectarian violence spreads in Yemen, where Shi'ite militia square off against al-Qaeda

Tue, 10/21/2014 - 10:43
A Yemeni city was taken by al Qaeda fighters, and 33 people were killed by a suicide bombing and gun fighting ...

Nigerian ceasefire intended to free abducted schoolgirls broken with two attacks by Muslim Jihadists

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 13:52
Boko Haram militants are blamed in two separate attacks on Nigerian villages following a ceasefire intended to ...

Islamic State takes mounting death count in Syria

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 13:30
Islamic State has taken heavy casualties over the past several days. At least 70 fighters for the terror group ...

Hopes for saving the species die with northern white rhino

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 12:59
Another of the nearly extinct northern white rhino has died in Kenya, leaving just six of these animals in the ...

Algerian police engage in widespread protest

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 11:58
While security becomes a serious issue in Algeria, especially with the size taken by the Islamic State, a wave ...

Even state-recognized church in China targeted for persecution

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 11:26
The state of religious freedom in China is moving from bad to worse, said U.S. Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), ...

A despicable act! Islamists butcher 23 people in Democratic Republic of Congo

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 09:11
In the town of Beni in the Democratic Republic of Congo, suspected Ugandan rebels are believed to have killed at ...

Christians, Yazidis and Turkmen face genocide in Iraq

Fri, 10/17/2014 - 21:13
More than 12,000 civilians have been killed in Iraq so far this year, mainly by Islamic State (IS), and ...