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Catholic International News
Updated: 9 years 28 주전

CDC fears possibility of 1.4 MILLION Ebola cases by January

Tue, 09/23/2014 - 12:27
A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed a terrifying new estimate on ...

French tourist kidnapped by Algerian terrorist group in Kabylia region

Tue, 09/23/2014 - 12:24
Militant Islamic groups have apparently made their threats against the nation of France and its citizens real ...

Hundreds of thousands of Syrian Kurds flood Turkey with IS advance

Tue, 09/23/2014 - 11:35
The jihadist group Islamic State is bearing down on the Syrian border town of Kobane. As a result, more than ...

Orphan trafficking ring stopped by Indian High Court

Tue, 09/23/2014 - 11:05
An Indian court has begun legal action against orphanages that are supposedly sending large numbers of children ...

America takes fight to Islamic State in Syria!

Tue, 09/23/2014 - 09:13
The United States performed the first airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Syria on September 22, ...

12-year-old sniper talks about his work - 'I didn't feel anything'

Tue, 09/23/2014 - 08:29
Given the long and brutal nature of the civil war in Syria, it is no surprise that children are also being ...

Boy keeps right on dancing until he beats Ebola virus

Mon, 09/22/2014 - 14:10
Eleven-year-old Mamadee Sayon was admitted to a Liberian Ebola camp when he came down with the disease - but ...

Terrorist group Khorasan feared to be bigger threat to U.S. than Islamic State

Mon, 09/22/2014 - 13:31
The United States along with a few of its allies are now taking direct military action against Islamic State, ...

Flown to France, Iraqi Christians get new chance at life

Mon, 09/22/2014 - 12:50
Fleeing the death machinations of the Islamic State, – Iraqi Christians, of all ages boarded a plane ...

Is it war? U.N. general assembly to meet on Islamic State

Mon, 09/22/2014 - 12:45
President Obama will urge the United Nations Security Council to adopt a resolution that would ban individuals ...

EBOLA WASTE: Without capable staff, Ebola clinics worthless

Mon, 09/22/2014 - 12:09
A shortage of volunteers to staff the new Ebola clinics and hospitals the international community is building in ...

Islamic State threatening French interests

Mon, 09/22/2014 - 11:48
With the nation of France joining the fray against the march of the Islamic State have come calls for ...

Is this man an American? Chilling Islamic State executioner appears on slick 'Flames of War' execution video

Mon, 09/22/2014 - 10:00
American intelligence officials are alarmed by the appearance of an Islamic State jihadist who apparently speaks ...

Move by Bangladesh to LOWER legal age to marry raises international outrage

Sun, 09/21/2014 - 17:12
Bangladesh has an ongoing problem with child marriage: two out of three girls there marry before they reach ...