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Catholic International News
Updated: 9 years 28 주전

Is another 9/11 on the way? Al-Qaeda urges lone wolves to target airlines and the U.S.

Mon, 12/29/2014 - 08:33
Al-Qaeda's online, English-language jihadist magazine, "Inspire", just published a ...

Islamic State takes pounding with 31 air strikes in one day

Sun, 12/28/2014 - 17:06
Islamic State forces - variously also known as ISIS, ISIL or IS took a major pounding after U.S. forces and ...

Robbed and plundered on Christmas Day: Convent at Pope Francis' summer retreat broken into

Sun, 12/28/2014 - 16:35
Italian authorities are hunting for a gang of bandits who broke into a convent in Castel Gandolfo, the ...

Mexican Catholic priest believed abducted and killed by sadistic drug cartel

Sun, 12/28/2014 - 16:10
Those who dare to stand up against evil often pay a very high price. Reverend Gregorio Lopez Gorostieta has ...

BREAKING: AirAsia flight between Indonesia and Singapore 'missing' - Pilot asked for 'unusual' route

Sun, 12/28/2014 - 05:21
An AirAsia flight from Surabaya, Indonesia to Singapore has been reported missing after it lost contact with air ...

DECLARATION OF WAR: Russia sees release of 'The Interview' by the U.S. as tantamount to declaring war

Fri, 12/26/2014 - 13:14
Russia is stepping into the Christmas cyberwar between North Korea and the United States offering sympathy and ...

The 'Lions of Allah' will strike at the west: Al-Qaeda warns that lone wolf attacks are just beginning

Fri, 12/26/2014 - 10:35
In an interview with "Inspire" a jihadist magazine, a senior al-Qaeda official has warned that ...

Are we prepared? 10 year anniversary of Indonesia's tsunami reawakens the fear of a repeat occurrence

Fri, 12/26/2014 - 09:59
Ten years ago, one of the biggest earthquakes ever recorded spiked a massive tsunami, wiping out shorelines around ...

Christian couple murdered, daughter kidnapped in Libya

Fri, 12/26/2014 - 08:55
Religious intolerance and persecution continues to roil in Libya. A Christian physician and his wife were shot ...

Urbi et Orbi Message of Pope Francis: Jesus is the Salvation for Every Person and Every People

Fri, 12/26/2014 - 04:29
Dear brothers and sisters, may the Holy Spirit today enlighten our hearts, that we may recognize in the Infant ...

Homily of Pope Francis on Christmas Eve: The World Needs the Tenderness of God

Thu, 12/25/2014 - 04:12
The "sign" is the humility of God taken to the extreme; it is the love with which, that night, ...

Christmas Letter of Pope Francis to the Persecuted Christians of the Middle East

Wed, 12/24/2014 - 08:33
Dear Christian brothers and sisters of the Middle East, you have an enormous responsibility and in meeting it ...

Choosing death: Yazidi women driven to suicide when forced into sexual slavery by ISIS

Tue, 12/23/2014 - 19:21
When confronted with being sold into slavery and forced into a life of demeaning sexual violence and rape, ...

Women in rural, poverty-stricken Colombia find empowerment - through coffee

Tue, 12/23/2014 - 14:32
It is believed that uneducated women who live in developing nations are frequently exploited by local ...

WRONG WAY: African leaders advocate use of force to end Libyan crisis

Tue, 12/23/2014 - 13:59
Five African heads of state convened to address the problems of Libya, which has fallen into chaos after the ...

BLOW AGAINST TERROR: Emir of 'El Ansar' and two other terrorists were killed near Boumerdes

Tue, 12/23/2014 - 11:20
The ongoing war against terrorism in North Africa continues. Strides were made as three dangerous terrorists were ...

Wake up Christians! Boko Haram releases bloody video of their slaughter of school children

Tue, 12/23/2014 - 09:39
Boko Haram has released a video which showcases their brutality, as they threaten more attacks against Christians ...

An aggressive stand against contraception: Turkish President declares its use as treason

Tue, 12/23/2014 - 08:55
Turkish President Recap Tayyip Erdogan takes a strong stand against contraception, stating efforts to promote it ...

What's the secret history of Stonehenge? New dig sheds light on this ancient site

Mon, 12/22/2014 - 18:05
Archaeologists from the University of Buckingham in England discovered a 6,000-year-old settlement that they ...

Why is Pakistan about to hang 500 innocent men? Death penalty reimposed following school massacre, but many fear that hundreds of innocents will be killed

Mon, 12/22/2014 - 12:45
Following the recent terrorist attack in Pakistan, Pakistani officials have announced that they intent to ...