산호세 교구 주최의 여름 봉사활동(고등부 대상)

Diocesan Youth Immersion Programs 2007

Mexico Immersion (Tijuana, Mexico) July 23-27, 2007
Cost: $575. Includes airfare, housing and food. Students will do demanding physical labor involving mixing cement by hand, painting, digging, and other construction type work. There will be interaction with community members who work along side U.S. participants. Some Spanish is helpful but not required. Cultural activities will also be provided.
This trip is a partnership between the Diocese of San Jose and the Shinnyo-en Buddhist Temple. Participants from both groups will be involved in inter-religious dialogue in addition to performing meaningful service side-by-side in Mexico.

San Jose Urban Plunge July 16-20, 2007
Cost: $100-150. Includes all program costs. Students will be involved in assisting Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County with various programs including serving meals at homeless shelters and working with low-income children. This program takes an in-depth look at poverty in our local community. You will provide direct assistance to the needy, learn why people are poor and learn about Catholic teachings about social justice.

Who can apply?
Only current Sophomores thru Seniors in High School may apply for Mexico, and
Frosh thru Senior who will be at least 15 by the time of the trip for the San Jose Urban Plunge.

How will people be chosen?
The adults supervising the trips will review the applications. The criteria for selecting participants will take into consideration the timeliness of submitting the application, the essay explaining your reasons for wanting to participate, balancing of males and females and the recommendation form.

What are the deadlines for submitting applications?
There is no deadline; first come first served.

When will the participants be chosen?
You will be notified of your status within a week of submitting your application.

How can I find out more information?
E-mail Steve Herrera at ImmersionDSJ [at] aol [dot] com, or call 408-266-2287.

What will be my commitment if I am chosen?
1. You will be expected to turn in a non-refundable deposit to hold your spot. The acceptance materials will outline the payment schedule and due dates.
2. You will attend at least one mandatory preparatory meeting for the trip, to be held in the Spring of 2007.
3. You will turn in all paperwork and make payments toward the trip according to schedule.

ImmersionApplicationForm06_07.doc44 KB